Does “Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace: contribute to business success?

Recent news on increases of POSH complaints at the workplace, is not a good sign. Companies which do not do enough for curtailing wrong behaviors towards women employees either do not care about women or their POSH training programs are only a lip service.

The productivity of the organization becomes positive only when all employees are happily engaged at work and are focused on building the organization both at tactical and strategic level. If few employees are sexually harassed by their colleagues – it leads to:

  1.  Immoral behaviors being perpetuated by certain sections of people, most of the   time by men and 
  2. Integrity of the organization gets questioned

Which eventually leads to distraction for senior leadership and thereby negatively affects  the competitive strength of the company.

Every business has a role to play in society as all employees are part of the society. Whatever happens in the organization ( within the four walls ! )  will eventually impact larger society.

There are many examples where women who are sexually abused at work and have given up their careers. Many of the abused women look at life negatively, and hence impacts their family and society at large.

Is there a business case to stop these behaviors?

Industry leaders do realize that there is tremendous costs attributed to wrong behaviors at the work place particularly in sexual harassment cases The costs such as erosion of brand value, attracting and retaining top talent, breeding negativity and politics at the workplace, are some of them which you can directly relate to. These are besides the costs of compensation and other criminal and civil proceedings they may get into.

Hiring the right people, developing an inclusive and open culture and being responsible to the society is therefore are a must for all successful companies.

If you need any advise to build a culture of diversity, or training on POSH write to :